Ahmed Ismail

Non Executive Member representing NIB

Ahmed Ismail

Appointed: March 2016

Skills and Experience

Ahmed Ismail has extensive business, legal and financial experience having served as board member on a number of Boards of companies and banks, such as the International Company for Finance Leasing (INCOLEASE) and Samanoud Textiles as well as The Egyptian Sudanese Corporation for Agriculture and the Export Development Bank of Egypt. Mr. Ahmed Ismail has an extensive educational background along with over 35 years’ experience gained in a number of leading roles at the National Investment Bank, ensuring his proficiency in financial, legal, environmental and human resources aspects of business.

External Appointments

1st Deputy of National Investment Bank for finance and credit to economic entities and units. Supervising the central department for following up at the National Investment Bank. Chairman of employees’ insurance fund at the National Investment Bank. Member in various committees inside and outside the bank. Ahmed currently serves as the head of the Employee Social Fund at the National Investment Bank.

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